For over 20 years, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has been the dynamic centrepiece of aviation safety and environmental protection in Europe. 

As an independent and neutral body, EASA ensures confidence in safe air operations in Europe and world-wide by proposing and formulating rules, standards, and guidance; by certifying aircraft, parts, and equipment; and by approving and overseeing organisations in all aviation domains.

With over 800 employees from 31 European countries, the Agency is an inclusive and diverse workplace. EASA is constantly innovating through specialist research on emerging themes and technologies. Its global reputation is shaped by the competence of its staff and by fostering strong relationships with other leading aviation authorities worldwide.




EASA and AESA’s Conference on
FRM - Fatigue Risk Management



Together4Safety is a collaborative safety promotion initiative developed by EASA to provide you lots of useful safety resources. This is for the Air Ops Community and will grow to cover also information for Airports, Ground Handling, Maintenance, ATM, Rotorcraft and General Aviation
They are here to support us with the information we need. They want to start discussions on important topics and create a collaborative safety community.
Email to the team on safetypromotion@easa.europa.eu 

Annual Safety Review 2024 for General Aviation 

In this 4th video about the 2024 Annual Safety Review for the GA Community, Wendell Lynch and Yngvi Yngvason talk about avoiding mid air collisions.

John Franklin 

from the EASA Safety Promotion Team, talks to Conor Nolan the Director of Safety and Security from Aer Lingus about what safety means to him 



The European Plan for Aviation Safety

At European Level, one of the most important documents in aviation is the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS). This document is the regional aviation safety plan for the EASA Member States. It sets out the strategic priorities and enablers. It also highlights the main risks affecting the European aviation system and the necessary actions to mitigate them and improve aviation safety.  

The 12th edition of EPAS has now been published with the 2023-2025 Edition

The EPAS covers a 3 year period and is constantly being reviewed and improved, and is updated on a yearly basis. The plan is an integral part of EASA’s work programme and is developed by EASA in close consultation with the EASA Member States and industry. 

The main objective of EPAS is to further improve aviation safety and environmental protection throughout Europe. At the same time it seeks to ensure a level playing field, as well as efficiency/proportionality in regulatory processes. 

The EPAS is based on a solid foundation of data and risk analysis. 

The European Safety Risk Management (SRM) process is a key part of the EPAS development. More particularly for the systemic and operational priorities.

The European Plan for Aviation Safety | EASA Community (europa.eu)