EDA, defence across the UE

European Union (EU) defence remains a national responsibility of its 27 member states. While the EU does not seek to establish a unified "EU army," it plays a crucial role in supporting member countries in jointly acquiring, developing, and operating new military assets. 

This collaborative approach not only reduces costs but also enhances interoperability among national militaries and strengthens the overall NATO alliance. 

Established in 2004, the European Defence Agency (EDA) serves as a key institution promoting defence cooperation and collaboration across the EU.


What priorities will define EU defense in the coming years?  

How are the EU and its Member States adapting their defense policies to Europe’s increasingly fragile security environment?  

How can EU Member States and NATO Allies effectively support Ukraine in resisting Russian aggression?  

What steps are necessary for Member States to develop full-spectrum, high-end defense capabilities?  

How can we collectively overcome barriers to creating a unified EU defense market and a more integrated European Defence Technological and Industrial Base (EDTIB)?  


EDA - New Challenges in Military Aviation.

European Defence Agency: who they are, what they do