Aviation, Space and
Defence Organizations



The globalization of the Aviation & Aerospace Industry and the resulting diversity of regional and national requirements and expectations have complicated this objective. Organizations have the challenge of purchasing products and services from external providers throughout the world and at all levels of the supply chain. External providers have the challenge of delivering products and services to multiple customers having varying quality requirements and expectations. Industry has established the International Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG), with representatives from aviation, space and defence companies in the Americas, Asia/Pacific and Europe, to implement initiatives that make significant improvements in quality and reductions in cost throughout the value stream.

STEIA AS 9100 courses standardize quality management system requirements to the greatest extent possible and can be used at all levels of the supply chain by organizations around the world. Their use should result in improved quality, cost and delivery performance through the reduction or elimination of organization-unique requirements, effective implementation of the quality management system and wider application of good practice. 

While primarily developed for the aviation, space and defence industry, these courses can also be used in other industry sectors when a quality management system with additional requirements over an ISO 9001 system is needed.

These courses include ISO 9001:2015 definitions quality management system requirements and specifies additional aviation, space and defence industry requirements, definitions and notes.

The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an organization that can help to improve its overall performance and provide a sound basis for sustainable development initiatives. The potential benefits to an organization of implementing a quality management system based on this International Standard are:

a) the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements;

b) facilitating opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction;

c) addressing risks and opportunities associated with its context and objectives;

d) the ability to demonstrate conformity to specified quality management system requirements.


AS 9100 - Quality Management Systems

Course developed in accordance with :

prepared by the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe - Standardization (ASD-STAN).

This course assures customer satisfaction, aviation, space and defence organizations requirements and provides and continually improve, safe and reliable products and services that meet or exceed customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. 

An Aerospace Quality Management System (AQMS) is a QMS based upon ISO 9001 that includes additional ASD requirements, as established in 9100, 9110, and 9120 standards



AS 9101 - Audit Requirements 

Course developed in accordance with :

Auditing is a basic tool to assess effective implementation of and conformity to QMS requirements. In addition to assessing conformity, this standard focuses on the evaluation of effectiveness of the QMS and its associated processes.

This course defines requirements for the preparation and execution of the audit process. In addition, it defines the content and composition for the audit reporting of conformity and process effectiveness to the EN 9100-series standards, the organization's QMS documentation, and customer and statutory/regulatory requirements.



AS 9102 - First Article Inspection Requirements 

Course developed in accordance with :

This course establishes the requirements for performing and documenting FAI. It is emphasized the requirements specified in this standard are complementary (not alternative) to customer and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

The primary purpose of FAI is to verify and validate product realization processes are capable of producing characteristics that meet engineering and design requirements. A well-planned and executed FAI by a multi-disciplinary team (e.g., members from responsible functions) provides objective evidence the manufacturer’s processes can produce compliant product; having effectively understood and incorporated the associated requirements.

This course defines requirements for the First Article Inspection Requirements.

FAI will:

• Provide confidence, through objective evidence, the product realization processes are capable of producing conforming product.

• Demonstrate the manufacturers and processors of the product have an understanding of the associated requirements.

• Provide assurance of product conformance at the start of production and after changes, as outlined in this standard.

A FAI is intended to:

• Mitigate risks associated with production startup and process changes.

• Reduce future escapes.

• Help ensure product safety.

• Improve quality, delivery, and customer satisfaction.

• Reduce costs and production delays associated with product nonconformances.

• Identify product realization processes not capable of producing conforming characteristics, and initiate and/or validate associated corrective actions.



AS 9110 - Quality Management Systems, MO

Course developed in accordance with :

This course is intended for use by organizations whose primary business is providing maintenance or continuing airworthiness management services for civil or military aviation articles and products; and by original equipment manufacturers with maintenance, repair, and overhaul operations that are operated autonomously, or that are substantially different from their production operations.

The adoption of a quality management system is a strategic decision for an organization that can help to improve its overall performance and provide a sound basis for sustainable development initiatives.

The potential benefits to an organization of implementing a quality management system based on this International Standard are:

a. the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and applicable statutory and regulatory


b. facilitating opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction;

c. addressing risks and opportunities associated with its context and objectives;

d. the ability to demonstrate conformity to specified quality management system requirements




Course developed in accordance with :

This course specifies requirements in a structured framework to plan and complete actions of the product realization cycle which are necessary to ensure quality product(s) are delivered on time, while satisfying cost performance targets. APQP drives a quality focused approach to product development through the use of a phased planning process within which specific deliverables are established, monitored, and tracked to closure, while highlighting and mitigating risks as they are identified. PPAP is an output of APQP confirming that the production process has demonstrated the potential to produce products that consistently fulfill all requirements while operating at the customer demand rate.

This course manage also Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), a structured method for analyzing risk by ranking and documenting potential failure mode in a system, design, or process.



AS 9146 - FOD

Course developed in accordance with :

This course defines Foreign Object Damage / Derbis (FOD) and FOD Prevention Program requirements for organizations that design, develop, and provide aviation, space, and defense products and services; and by organizations providing post-delivery support, including the provision of maintenance, spare parts, or materials for their own products and services.

It is emphasized that the requirements specified in this standard are complementary (not alternative) to customer, and applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. 

FOD is a major concern in the aviation, space, and defense industry. While there is a large amount of information and guidance available about the prevention of FOD, no requirements standard exists. This course identifies FOD Prevention Program requirements that can be flowed down in contractual agreements


Comprehensive, Regulatory-Compliant, Practical, Engaging


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